How to Split Cells in Google Sheets – Best Guide 2024

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Google Sheets

In this article, you will learn how to split cells in Google Sheets. Let’s do it.

How to Split Cells in Google Sheets

In the world of data management and spreadsheet organization, Google Sheets stands out as a powerful tool. One essential skill every Google Sheets user should master is the ability to split cells. This seemingly simple function can make a significant impact on the way you organize and analyze your data. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various methods and scenarios for splitting cells in Google Sheets.

Related: How To Freeze Columns In Google Sheets

I. Understanding the Need to Split Cells:

Before diving into the ‘how,’ let’s address the ‘why.’ Splitting cells becomes crucial when you have data that needs to be separated into distinct columns. For instance, if you have a full name in one cell and want to split it into first and last names or if you have a date and time in a single cell that needs to be separated, knowing how to split cells becomes invaluable.

II. Text to Columns: The Basics:

One of the most straightforward methods for splitting cells in Google Sheets is using the ‘Text to Columns’ feature. Here’s how:

1. Select the Range:

   Highlight the cells you want to split.

2. Navigate to Data > Split Text to Columns:

   In the menu bar, click on ‘Data’ and then select ‘Split text to columns.’

3. Choose a Separator:

     Google Sheets will prompt you to choose a delimiter (comma, space, custom). This tells Sheets where to split the text.

4. Preview and Confirm:

   A preview will show how the data will be split. Confirm the selection, and Google Sheets will do the rest.

III. Splitting Text with Formulas:

For more control and flexibility, you can use formulas to split text within cells. Two common functions for this purpose are LEFT and RIGHT.

1. LEFT Function:

   If you want to extract a specific number of characters from the beginning of a cell, use the LEFT function.


   =LEFT(A2, 5)


   This formula extracts the first 5 characters from cell A2.

2. RIGHT Function:

   Conversely, if you want to extract characters from the end of a cell, use the RIGHT function.


   =RIGHT(A2, 3)


   This formula extracts the last 3 characters from cell A2.

IV. Splitting Cells with Custom Formulas:

Sometimes, you may need a more customized approach. Let’s say you have a full name in one cell and want to split it into first and last names.


=LEFT(A2, SEARCH(” “, A2) – 1)   // First Name

=RIGHT(A2, LEN(A2) – SEARCH(” “, A2))   // Last Name


These formulas use the SEARCH function to find the position of the space and then extract the relevant portions.

V. Splitting Cells with Add-ons:

Google Sheets offers various add-ons that can simplify and enhance your data manipulation tasks. One such add-on is “Split Names.” This tool is specifically designed for separating full names into distinct columns, saving you time and effort.

Conclusion: How to Split Cells in Google Sheets

So, finally you know how to split cells in Google Sheets and this opens up a world of possibilities for efficient data organization. Whether you opt for the straightforward ‘Text to Columns’ method, leverage formulas for precision, or use specialized add-ons, the ability to split cells empowers you to manage your data effectively. As you navigate through your spreadsheet endeavors, keep these techniques in mind to streamline your workflow and make the most out of Google Sheets’ capabilities.

Related: How to Split Cells in Google Sheets

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