How to Multiply in Google Sheets – Best Guide 2024

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Google Sheets

In the ever-evolving realm of spreadsheet wizardry, mastering the art of multiplication in Google Sheets is a skill designed to enhance your data manipulation prowess. Let’s embark on a journey through the complexities of this vital operation, ensuring not only a meticulous understanding but also a tailored approach towards efficiency and accuracy.

Getting Started: The Basics of Multiplication

In the heart of Google Sheets lies the power to unravel the secrets of multiplication. To commence, navigate to the cell where you want the result. The formula always begins with the equal sign, signaling Sheets that you’re about to unleash a calculation. Then, input the cell references or numbers you want to multiply, using the asterisk (*) as the multiplication operator.

For instance, if you wish to multiply the contents of cell A1 by the value in B1, the formula would appear as follows:


Simple, right? But there’s more to uncover.

Multiplying Across Ranges: Streamlining Your Data

Google Sheets offers a robust capability to multiply entire ranges effortlessly. Suppose you have a column of prices in column A and quantities in column B. The total cost for each row can be calculated by multiplying the corresponding cells in these columns. Employ the SUMPRODUCT function for a bespoke solution:


This tailored formula multiplies each pair of values in columns A and B, summing up the results – a concise yet potent way to navigate the complexities of large datasets.

Drag and Drop Mastery: Efficient Replication

In the everchanging landscape of spreadsheet manipulation, efficiency is key. Google Sheets provides a user-friendly feature allowing you to drag and drop formulas to quickly multiply values across rows or columns. Simply grab the small square at the bottom-right corner of the cell with your formula, and drag it across the desired range. Sheets automatically adjusts the cell references, making it a seamless process to replicate your multiplication formula.

Advanced Techniques: Unveiling the Secrets

To truly excel in the world of Google Sheets, delve into advanced techniques. If you find yourself needing to multiply a specific range only when certain conditions are met, the IF function comes to the forefront. Employ it to tailor your multiplication based on predefined criteria:

=IF(C2>10, A2*B2, 0)

In this scenario, the multiplication only occurs when the value in cell C2 exceeds 10; otherwise, it returns 0.

Embracing Array Formulas: Unleashing Power

For those seeking more than just the basics, array formulas in Google Sheets underpin a new level of functionality. With ARRAYFORMULA, you can multiply entire ranges with a single formula, eliminating the need to drag and drop. The formula below multiplies the values in columns A and B for each row:


Effortlessly handle large datasets and complex operations with this robust technique.

Conclusion: Multiplication Mastery Achieved

In the realm of Google Sheets, mastering multiplication is not merely about crunching numbers – it’s about unlocking the secrets that enhance your spreadsheet proficiency. From the fundamental operations to advanced techniques and array formulas, this guide has unveiled the secrets to efficient multiplication. Now, armed with this knowledge, navigate the ever-evolving world of spreadsheet wizardry with confidence and precision. Happy multiplying!

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